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So from the perspective of the war in Ukraine, it certainly, if confirmed, raises this possibility of this conflict broadening and also that North Korea is possibly enabling Russia to prolong the Until Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the North Korea-Russia relationship was characterized by narrow transactionalism and diplomatic misconnects despite the legacy of close relations that existed First, the general assumption is that North Korea's value for Russia will diminish significantly once the war is over. Second, Kim Jong Un may have merely picked up the Cold War playbook of It does look and sound like North Korean soldiers. It raises the specter of another country being drawn into this conflict. So from the perspective of the war in Ukraine, it certainly, if confirmed, raises this possibility of this conflict broadening and also that North Korea is possibly enabling Russia to prolong the conflict. Neither scenario is good, so Russia would like North Korea to be stable and the Korean peninsula divided." Jean H. Lee "It's so interesting to look back at history and consider the relationship in terms of North Korea's reliance on the Soviet Union in the early part of the making of modern North Korea, the establishment of North Korea. The new treaty is a sign of the growing closeness between these two pariah states. As Putin said, "This is a truly breakthrough document, reflecting the desire of the two countries not to rest Relations with South Korea are valuable to the North only as long as they generate income. The UN Security Council, with Russia's support, has previously issued resolutions and imposed sanctions on North Korea over its nuclear weapons program. How will UN efforts toward achieving nonproliferation be affected by stronger Russia-DPRK ties? Strengthened North Korea-Russia bilateral ties potentially embolden North Korea to expand illicit activities and engage in provocations, and may improve DPRK military capabilities. The Administration has worked with

South Korea and Japan to increase deterrence and expand allied efforts to counter North Korea's illicit efforts to evade sanctions, A separate Russian investment, worth US$346m, to upgrade North Korea's Rajin port and the connecting railway line to Russia, fell afoul of UN Security Council sanctions and Pyongyang's drastic border closure related to the coronavirus pandemic. Meanwhile, North Korean migrant workers have continued, despite sanctions, to work in eastern Russia. North Korea and Russia have taken their relations to a new level after the leaders of the two countries held an in-person summit meeting on Wednesday. While Pyongyang and Moscow have enjoyed close The North Korea-Russia "militant unity" is more of an ad hoc coalition rather than a security alliance reminiscent of the Cold War. As Kim and Putin's Cold War predecessors knew too well Russia-North Korea Relations: A Deepening Strategic Alliance. In a significant development that has raised eyebrows globally, Russian President Vladimir Putin recently concluded a high-profile visit to North Korea, marking a historic deepening of ties between the two nations. This visit culminated in the signing of a comprehensive strategic North Korea was quick to express its support for the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February, blaming the war on US "hegemonic policy" and "high-handedness". The Kim regime was one of just In June, Russia and North Korea signed a comprehensive strategic partnership treaty. To some Western observers, this appears to be an alliance like the U.S.-South Korea bilateral alliance or even the NATO alliance. However, the history of Russia and North Korea relations makes this more likely a marriage of convenience or even a marriage of desperation: Definitely anti-U.S., but potentially And even as North Korea-Russia trade boomed, China-North Korea trade figures declined each month from January to May 2024. According to NK News, "Every month this year has seen a lower volume of Vladimir Putin

and Kim Jong Un signed a treaty upgrading their relationship and pledging military assistance if either one is attacked, drawing criticism from NATO, South Korea and other countries. Understanding the relationship between Russia and North Korea By Rob Schmitz Published October 20, 2024 at 3:11 PM PDT Russian President Vladimir Putin's current visit to Pyongyang is a manifestation of these changes and is likely to lead to closer ties between Russia and North Korea. In early January, Kim Jong